Musicians get asked to perform at benefits for free a lot. Many times, we are promised a very official sounding piece of paper that says we donated our time and told we use said paper for a tax deduction.
That is wrong.
You cannot deduct these donated services. I’ve checked with musician accountant extraordinaire, Dave Roth of Roth Finance, and I’ve consulted the tax code. No matter what anyone tells you, YOU CANNOT DEDUCT YOUR TIME.
Any costs associated with playing for a benefit, meals/transportation/etc, can be deducted.
If you are interested in learning more about tax deductions and how the new tax laws will affect you, join Dave at the Local 802 Theater Committee meeting this Wednesday, May 30 at 5:15pm. 388 W 48th Street in the 5th Floor Executive Board Room. These meetings are open to ALL Broadway musicians, including substitutes! Please contact the committee if you have any business or concerns you wish to be discussed at